dimanche 9 octobre 2011

Google's model of management

Google’s registered office is often called the “Googleplex”, owing to the various fittings and services placed at the employees’ disposal. For instance they have access to gyms, tennis courts, billiard tables, free restaurants… and they can also use bicycles or scooters so as to move faster between 2 meetings.

Moreover 20 percent of each employees’ wage is dedicated to the pursuit of projects that interest them. That spare time not only offers Google’s employees autonomy but also shows how much the company trusts them. Thereby they can feel free to express their creativity during that spare time without suffering any pressure from their boss.

Such a sytem can easily be linked to the human relations movement, which is embodied by Elton Mayo. In his opinion caring about employees is a great way to improve their productivity. E.Mayo emphasizes on the fact that paying attention to people’s preoccupations and motivation enable to better interest them in their work, and thereby to increase their performance.  

Thus the Google’s way of managing its employees seems to be close to the human relations idea of caring about people. All the installations in Google’s company clearly represent incentives for employees. Given the various activities offered within the “Googleplex”, employees probably feel proud of their job. Indeed, most people are willing to work for such a flourishing company, which is notably famous for its specific way of managing its employees. This system also enables the company to foster its employees’ loyalty and to make sure that they will remain focused and concentrated on their work.

What is also important in the “Googleplex” is that there are many communal spaces at the expense of personal offices, so as to favor communication between people and then creating a convivial atmosphere. Everything is made to make them happy to work, which was the main goal of the human relations’ movement.
Eventually, Google’s innovations as regards management seem to update Mayo’s principles, while proving that it represents an effective way to increase the company’s output.

1 commentaire:

  1. Excellent article, bien écrit et bien documenté !
    Voilà une méthode de management qui devrait, selon moi, être appliquée dans davantage de sociétés. Si l'on motivait plus les employés, comme le fait Google, ceux-ci seraient davantage motivés.
